Implementation Internasional Community Services UNIBA-UiTM Cawangan Johor, Malaysia At Panti Asuhan Istana Yatim Al-Jufri Sekupang
Implementation Internasional Community Services UNIBA-UiTM Cawangan Johor, Malaysia
At Panti Asuhan Istana Yatim Al-Jufri Sekupang
Participant Studi Program From Batam University
Faculty of Medicine, Batam University
(“Clean and Healthy Living Behaviour”)
2. Undergraduate Nursing Program
Faculty of Health Sciences, Batam University
("Healty Diet Program in Supporting The Character Buiding of Children")
3. Postgraduate Regional Planning Study Program,
Faculty of Engineering, Batam University
("The Face and Character of the City")
4. Undergraduate Civil Engineering Program,
Faculty of Engineering, Batam University
(" Engineering For Kids, Knowing Construction Engineering Through Games ")
5. Undergraduate Information Systems Program,
Faculty of Engineering, Batam University
(" Digital Literacy, Equipping Children with Digital Skills")
6. Undergraduate Psychologi Program,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Batam University
("Healty Diet Program in Supporting The Character Buiding of Children")
7. Undergraduate Pharmacy Program,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Batam University
("Healty Diet Program in Supporting The Character Buiding of Children")
8. Postgraduate Notarial Law,
Faculty of Law, Batam University
("Legal Awareness Extension From an Early Age")
9. Postgraduate Legal Science Program
Faculty of Law, Batam University
("Legal Awareness Extension From an Early Age")
10. Undergraduate Law Program
Faculty of Law, Batam University
("Legal Awareness Extension From an Early Age")
11. Undergraduate Management Program
Faculty of Economics and Business, Batam University
("Improving Creativity and Entrepreneurship from an Early Age")
12. Undergraduate Accounting Program
Faculty of Economics and Business, Batam University
("Improving Creativity and Entrepreneurship from an Early Age")
Participant Studi Program From UiTM Cawangan Johor, Malaysia
1. Faculty of Busines Management
2. Faculty of Science Computer and Management
3. Faculty of Accountancy
Event Purposes
Prepare themselves to become intellectual leaders, entrepreneurs as well as being independent and intelligent, students have the opportunity to implement competencies, skills, attitudes of responsibility, build collaborative teams and develop independence through creative activities in the field of science they study.